Cooking Abbreviations Glossary
Quick list of the common cooking abbreviations. I had no idea dr was Drop until I researched this for this post. Hope you find it useful!
Volume Measurements:
- Tbs or Tbsp = Tablespoon
- tsp = Teaspoon
- C or c = Cup
- qt = Quart
- pt = Pint
- fl oz = Fluid Ounce
- gal = Gallon
- ml = Milliliter
- L = Liter
- dl = Deciliter
Weight Measurements:
- oz = Ounce
- lb or lbs = Pound
- g = Gram
- kg = Kilogram
- mg = Milligram
Temperature and Cooking Methods:
- °F = Degrees Fahrenheit
- °C = Degrees Celsius
- min = Minute
- hr = Hour
- pkg = Package
- env = Envelope (for yeast or gelatin)
- pkg = Package
- wt oz = Weight Ounce
- dr = Drop
- sm = Small
- med = Medium
- lg = Large
- btl = Bottle
- can = Can
- no. = Number (for cans, e.g., No. 10 can)
Want to learn more about cooking conversions, check these ones out as well: